

Learn more about the awards at the links below and read on to find out more about the 2023 winners.

Axelson Center announces winners of the 2023 Alford-Axelson非营利组织卓越管理奖 and 优秀新兴组织奖


奔跑的女孩祝贺芝加哥女孩队, winner of the 2023 Alford-Axelson非营利组织卓越管理奖. 成立于2002年, the Alford-Axelson奖 is given to established organizations that exemplify managerial excellence.

20多年来, Girls on the Run 芝加哥 has bolstered the mental and physical health of adolescent girls through dynamic lessons and physical activity. 作为一项新的雄心勃勃的全面战略计划的一部分, Girls on the Run has transformed how they define programmatic success. 当发球次数超过4次时,每年有1000名女孩, instead of focusing on the sheer scale of programmatic participation, they aim to significantly increase the proportion of girls from low-income communities. 从50%开始, 平均每年增长5-10%, Girls on the Run is aiming for a minimum of 85% of girls to come from low-income communities by 2027. 为了完成这一转变, “奔跑中的女孩”免除了项目费用, 聘请了一位影响力经理, significantly expanded their philanthropic and corporate partnerships, 从他们所服务的社区招募工作人员和董事会成员, 回应社区反馈, and implemented a totally re-vamped comprehensive communication strategy.

Girls on the Run 芝加哥 operates out of a philosophy of abundance and human-focused HR practices. They have given significant attention to their hiring practices and how staff are compensated—performing an annual pay equity analysis, 公布内部薪酬级别, providing all staff with a flexible $500 stipend to use on professional development or personal mental health, and establishing a policy that the highest paid employee can’t make more than 4x the lowest paid employee. Girls on the Run 芝加哥’s practices reflect an organizational priority that life-thriving wages are necessary for all its staff. 即使在与大流行作斗争的过程中, 2022年,“奔跑中的女孩”在财务上比以往任何时候都更加强大. Girls on the Run 芝加哥 endeavors to create a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential, and they are taking strategic and thoughtful risks that are helping them fulfill their mission in creative and equitable ways.Girls on the Run 芝加哥 operates out of a philosophy of abundance and human-focused HR practices. They have given significant attention to their hiring practices and how staff are compensated—performing an annual pay equity analysis, 公布内部薪酬级别, providing all staff with a flexible $500 stipend to use on professional development or personal mental health, and establishing a policy that the highest paid employee can’t make more than 4x the lowest paid employee. Girls on the Run 芝加哥’s practices reflect an organizational priority that life-thriving wages are necessary for all its staff. 即使在与大流行作斗争的过程中, 2022年,“奔跑中的女孩”在财务上比以往任何时候都更加强大. Girls on the Run 芝加哥 endeavors to create a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential, and they are taking strategic and thoughtful risks that are helping them fulfill their mission in creative and equitable ways.


Member of the Organized communities against deportation organizationThe 优秀新兴组织奖 recognizes up-and-coming organizations that exhibit current and future leadership in their sector. 今年的获奖者, Organized Communities Against Deportations (OCAD) through undocumented-led organizing, 民事诉讼, 政策宣传, 直接行动, 以及交叉运动建筑, 反对驱逐出境, 拘留, 定罪, 和监禁, 黑色的, 棕色(的)。, 以及芝加哥的移民社区. 作为一个完全平等和协作的组织, Organized Communities Against Deportations’ structure deeply aligns with their values and strategic vision. 而不是传统的管理结构, 所有工作人员的工资都是一样的, 而不是主管, 他们有导师. 而不是一个统一的决策过程, their alternative governance structure involves a participatory budgeting process with membership input, 对计划和战略优先事项进行全组织范围的投票, 董事会成员的职责也受到了限制. Decentralized knowledge and skills are core of their collaboratively implemented anti-deportation campaigns, 因为他们是由受影响的个人和社区领导的.

Organized Communities Against Deportations believes that liberation is a collective activity and prioritizes giving those most affected all the tools that they need to pursue justice and healing. Their egalitarian structure enables them to provide holistic support around their campaigns—from mutual aid to community leadership development, 以及普通政治教育. 此外, this community-led process enables Organized Communities Against Deportations to be responsive to real needs, empowering them to emerge as a sector leader by becoming the first organization in Illinois to fight against deportations of individuals with some kind of criminal charge. Working for a future full of dignity by defending their communities and challenging dehumanizing institutions, Organized Communities Against Deportations’ managerial excellence is evidenced by their ongoing growth in funder relationships, implementation of an imaginative and mission-aligned organizational structure and increasing financial strength.